Monday, March 9, 2015


 If you have ever been to a drag show, than you realize that it gets real on the runway! Especially the first time when you don’t know what to expect or how it will go down. I can remember my first time at the gay club like it was yesterday; Donna Summers played through the air like an enticing whisper. My friend offered me a vodka cranberry, and, with no hesitation, I said “extra lime please.” I think it was the tastiest Cape Coder of my life so far: grey goose instead of well vodka. I was wonderful and only three dollars thanks to ladies night.
There was nothing but glam lady-boys covered in sequins surrounding me.  My outfit was nothing to belittle, it was suitable for royalty and of course I thought a feather boa would be of great use to me that night. The first queen had a name no one can forget, Anna Conda, and She wore a full leopard leotard and carried a suit case. She glamorized the audience with her fierce power strut as Shana Twain’s “That don’t impress me much” echoed throughout the club, filling our hearts with the desire for more. After about three minutes of delight she sashayed away leaving me in complete awe of the stunning backhand split on the glitter-covered floor. Fortunately, an intermission was in motion allowing me to grab another beverage. Once I sauntered back for more, I heard an utterance that I will never forget, “Hunny, we’re born naked, and the rest is drag.”


  1. I LOVE drag queens! The fact that most of them look better than me when I attempt makeup I find amazing

  2. My friend and I were planning on going to the 313 to check out a drag show once we were old enough, but it closed before we ever had the chance!
